We’re transforming the way we as small businesses connect with our local community. Our beautiful high-gloss, full color, 2-sided, 9"x12" shared postcard lets us showcase our businesses to thousands of households — all for a fraction of the cost. No competition. Shared cost. Just results.
Featuring up to 16 non-competing local business peers. This is direct mail done right—our ads will go straight into the hands of local residents, not buried in pages or left on doorsteps. Each of our businesses gets prime real estate on the card, ensuring maximum visibility.
Each business category is first-come, first-serve. Own your category by reserving a spot, so act fast for competition-free advertising!
From design and printing to postage and paperwork, we'll handle everything and have the initial, first postcard prepped & shipped in about 4-6 weeks, then monthly from then on.
Our postcard will be mailed monthly to 10,000+ local residences, exposing our non-competing ads up to 20,000 potential customers every month.
10,000 monthly local guaranteed deliveries + GIANT 9x12 postcard that's impossible to miss in mailboxes = unrivaled ad visibility.
None of our competitors are allowed on the card, giving us an exclusive claim to our business category in our area.
By sharing space with our local business peers, we slash advertising costs by up to 98% — getting the same reach for a fraction of the price.
And we'll work together to ensure we're hitting the residences most desirable to all of us sharing the postcard space.
Yes. Like you, we are a local business providing printing, marketing, and advertising to other local businesses. We are trying to maximize consistent local outreach while minimizing the cost, just like everyone else on the card!
This is a monthly postcard. Once filled, it will be mailed each month to maximize community reach, reduce costs, and elevate our businesses. Consistent ads keep us top-of-mind, helping us outshine competitors and become the go-to choice for consumers.
Fill out our connect form below to reserve your spot on the card, or book a meeting if you'd like to know more. If you fill out the connect form, we'll reach out ASAP. From there, we will help you with next steps and getting started fast.
Any business who mailed this piece for their own business would have to handle the time and costs for ad designs, re-dos, full-color, 2-sided printing, shipping, processing, and delivery to all residences. 10,000 mailers can easily cost you up to $10,000 or more every month. By our exclusive group sharing opportunity, the cost of sharing is literally 90-98% less.
No, but you can if you'd like. We'll design your ad free of charge and send over the proof for your approval. If any changes need to be made, we'll send over the revision for final approval.
Because we handle all the processing, design, printing, fulfillment, and shipping for you, the postcard typically takes about 4-6 weeks to mail out after the postcard is full. We will send you pending updates on the shipment order as well as confirming when the postcard is mailed.
You are not locked into a term. As long as you stay in the shared postcard, then you will have exclusive listing in your business category, keeping out all of your competitors. You can cancel anytime, but another business in your category will be able to claim your category when that happens.